Networking for Success

A room full of strangers who all seem to know each other. Everyone already in groups. And all you can see is row after row of backs.

Where do you start?

Networking for Success

A room full of strangers who all seem to know each other. Everyone already in groups. And all you can see is row after row of backs...

— Where do you start?

What's the Challenge

A room full of strangers who all seem to know each other. Everyone already in groups and all you can see is row after row of backs. Nobody shows the slightest interest in you. You introduce yourself and make conversation? They keep looking over your shoulder to see if anyone more interesting has come in.

The noise in the room is so loud you can't hear yourself think anyway.

And there's all that pressure to find the right contact. Chase the opportunity. Find the lead. Spot the prospect. Perhaps even make the sale.

After all, that's what it's all about, isn't it? Sales?

It's no wonder so many people hate networking!

Why it Matters

So many people have the wrong idea about networking - and that's why they find it hard.

The truth is that networking is NOT about 'opportunities'. It IS about relationships and value.

Think about it this way: if all you seek is the opportunities in the room, you're limited to the room.

If what you seek is genuine social relationships, then the opportunities are endless.


Because the people you know, know people. And they know people. And they know people...

Once you approach networking with that mindset, the whole thing changes.

Whether it's career development or business development, your network offers the path to referrals, mentoring, support, knowledge, and yes, sales and the next job. Even new friendships.

Your professional network is the most valuable asset you can build, so it pays to take it seriously. With the right skills and the right mindset you can create a powerful resource for yourself personally, professionally and commercially.

And without your network, you are on your own.

Why Us

Networking has been our core business and professional development strategy for twenty years. 80% of the business we have ever won has come from our network, and we've worked with some of the most prestigious firms in the world, all over the world.

And in the Corporate life that went before, most of the important job moves and promotions came through networking.

So we know from experience how to make networking work.

But there's more.

Add in a deeper understanding of rapport, body language, communication skills, speaking skills and group dynamics plus the online tools available now, and you have a formidable capability for creating a professional network for yourself that will be the platform for personal, career and commercial success.

Successful networking is rooted in knowing how groups behave, knowing how to create purposeful conversations, and knowing how to move those conversations forward.

This training covers all that ground and more - and you will make some great contacts on the way!

What We Do

Our workshops are highly interactive and experiential. We keep the use of slides to a minimum and focus much more on working in pairs and small groups to give you the real experience of practicing these skills, not just sharing the ideas.

We know from experience that this approach delivers more in-the-muscle learning than any amount of slideware - and it's a lot more fun too. It's easy to let a new idea pass you by, but it's impossible to ignore a new experience.

On this workshop we'll cover a load of proven, practical tools, tips and techniques you can use right away, including:

  • How to make networking work for you
  • Types of events, and how to approach them
  • How to find the right events for you
  • How to be an engaging networker
  • How to maximise return on your time
  • Planning your strategy
  • The Dos and Don'ts
  • How Social Media fits in
  • How to make the experience comfortable even when it feels excruciating
  • How to engage with people you don't know
  • How to engage with people you DO know!
  • How to join established conversational groups
  • What to talk about
  • How to strike up a conversation
  • Where to focus your attention
  • How to avoid the
  • How to escape the time vampires
  • What to do after the event
  • How to keep up the momentum

Most important, it's all about proven, practical skills we know work in the real world, not just theoretical ideas.

What it Means for You

By the end of the workshop you'll know the exact strategies used by the most successful networkers to prepare for their activities, engage with people and build strong relationships. And you'll discover how to spot the people who will waste your time, and avoid them.

Your personal and professional network is the most important asset you can create for yourself, and this workshop will give you the tools you need to do it.

How It Works

What To Do Next

"Jim is an outstanding person. He can change individuals' lives for the better and empower them both personally and professionally with what they need to take the next step in the right direction."
— David C, Independent Consultant, London